SEND at Northern Federation
SEND (ID 1004)
Miss Claire MurphySENDCo
Miss Claire Murphy
I work across both the Infant and Junior schools and I am available to offer support to children and parents regarding difficulties with learning as well as social and emotional concerns.
We have a fantastic, dedicated team across the Federation, with staff who are experienced in supporting children with a range of special educational needs including dyslexia, autism and learning difficulties. Teachers recognise that children learn through active participation and work hard to accommodate and teach all children effectively in the classroom. We understand that for children to flourish at school, we need to know and understand what they find difficult, identify it early, and put in targeted support where needed.
If you have concerns about your child’s progress or the support they receive in school, I am happy to meet parents – either informally before school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or you can contact me through the school office to book in an appointment.
You can find out more about the ways we work in our SEND Report here.
Usual working hours:
- All day Monday
- All day Wednesday
- All day Friday
More information about Hampshire's Local Offer for support for children and young people with SEN and/or disabilities can be found here.
Hampshire SEN Team have published a 'Parent Guide to Special Educational Needs' which can be found here.